CYPHYX is a dynamic company with cutting-edge products that will solve problems or needs.
CYPHYX Announces Vice President of Business Development and Government Relations
The staff and current board of CYPHYX are happy to announce that a manager of the company, Robert J. DiCarlo, has accepted the position of Vice President for Business Development and Government Relations. CYPHYX, is working hard to establish itself as a leader and innovator in Cybersecurity and in his new position, Robert provides a strong base for future growth.
As a former New York State Senator, he was appointed by New York Governor George Pataki in 2004 and served as a College Council Member for the State University New York and also served as Vice President of The Empire State Development Corporation of New York. Senator DiCarlo has served as the Brooklyn Republican Chairman and was instrumental in the election of Rudy Giuliani as the Mayor of New York City. He is the son of former New York State Assemblyman Dominick DiCarlo, who was Ronald Reagan’s first Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics Matters and the Chief Judge of the United States Court of International Trade.
In his new role, Robert will oversee CYPHYX’s growth and development into the private and public market sectors.
For really secure communications, you then need to share a new key each time you want to communicate information that is supposed to be secret. The use of a new key each time is considered to be equivalent to using what cryptographers call a one-time pad. A one-time pad harkens back to the days when an actual encryption key was distributed on paper and a unique sheet of paper was used each time. Because each key is used only once, cracking such encryption is difficult.
Wayne Rash, eWeek article, "Why Quantum-Resistant Encryption Needs Quantum Key Distribution for Real Security"
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Suite 107 #665
Bonita Springs, Fl. 34135